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Citing ISO standards in Latex using Bibtex

Latex in combination with Bibtex is the defacto standard for writing and citing scientific documents. One would assume, that citing industrial standards is a standard operation in these environments, but apparently that’s not the case, or at least not trivially to achieve.

My favorite citation style is the natdin one (Author, 2000). The first issue coming up with citing standards in this style is: Who’s the author? It’s not the editors, but typically a committee.

So here’s what I’ve come up with, that looks acceptable in both citation (in which I mainly use \citeauthor, because nobody cares about the year of the standard) and references: @misc{iso14a, Key = {{ISO 14443}}, publisher = {{ISO, Geneva, Switzerland}}, type = {{Norm}}, title = {{Identification cards – Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards – Proximity cards}}, number = {{ISO 14443}}, year = {{2000}}, }

I use the gnome application referencer for managing my literature. Internally however it seems to store all information in a dictionary, thus specifying key = {{ISO 14443}} will overwrite its settings for the entry’s key (i.e. iso14a in this example). The application is however easy to trick by using a different capitalization, and gladly bibtex doesn’t care :-)