Unser allseits geliebtes studiVZ ist ja schon lange nicht viel mehr als ein großer Friedhof voller Datenleichen. Immer mehr Leute entscheiden sich zurecht, die eigene Datenleiche endlich zu beerdigen und löschen ihren Account. Das hat jedoch leider immer den Wermutstropfen, dass man die ganzen Sachen, die sich da so im Laufe der Zeit angesammelt haben, seien es Nachrichten, Pinnwand-Einträge, Foto-Alben oder die Gruppenliste der Freunde, hinter sich lassen muss. Nun ja, nicht ganz: Es gibt ein studiVZ-Plugin für den generischen POP3-Wrapper freepops mit dem man mit seinem Lieblingsemailprogramm schonmal alle eigenen Nachrichten und die eigene Pinnwand herunterladen kann. Read More...
For the last six months I’ve been playing around with the idea to run differential power analysis attacks against ciphers in RFID smartcards. This became the topic of my master thesis, but due to the lack of my analogue expertise, someone else was responsible for the measurement setup which however did not work out. Consequently that part failed and I had to produce something without an adequate measurement setup. Unfortunately, the attainable results were not good enough to launch an actual attack, but sufficient to illustrate the power profile of the targeted cards. Read More...
I’m trying to use the data of xkcd’s color survey to produce a kind of political map of color the HSV color world. This is getting way more complicated than I thought initially ;)
Here is the initial plain world map of HVS color space (mapped 2D i.e. not including greyscale):
2d view of hsv colorspace Well, with this mapping comes a problem, best illustrated by this graph of the survey’s data density mapped into HSV space (the survey data is distributed just fine, but when mapping RGB to this crippled HSV, things get weird). Read More...