Tech Tips & Tricks

Arabic Script in LaTeX

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We arrived in the 21st century and one would assume that with famous software like LaTeX you’d go write the document in whatever language you like, use Unicode or UTF-8 as character encoding for your text (without even thinking about it) and it just works. Unfortunately Knuth was one these people who thought no one would ever need more than 256 characters, so unless you’re typing ASCII, you’re screwed. I already figured out, that you can use \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} and German Umlauts start working, but you don’t get full utf8 coverage, as lots of chars Neo allows me to type (like • or → or …) are just not available. Read More...

Struggling with SSH login delays

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You know, it really sucks when you log into a machine and for some reason there is a delay before the connection is fully functional. This happend to the SSH of a server to which I frequently connect, delaying my connections for 8 to 30 seconds. Again it sucked, up to a degree where I decided to track down the issue and fix it. Google told me, it’s reverse DNS mappings and I should set UseDNS no in the sshd_config, but that didn’t work (and besides, reverse DNS can’t be that slow…). Read More...